+44 (0)1372 459 942 or 750 843
Photo Fabric Wall Map
Stunning Wall Map Printed on Durable Photo Canvas
The Wall Maps are printed on the following photo fabrics :
- W600 - Durable photo fabric, 183 g/㎡
- W600KFR - Clean cut and premium photo fabric - Fire Retardant, 235 g/㎡
Ideal for
- An office environment
- Teaching and business sector
- A gift for children
Large World Political
- Size : 1080 x 810 mm
- Political colouring with accurate digital hill shading created from over 80 million spot heights
- Includes flags and country information
- The most up to date and accurate maps available
Europe Map
- Size : 1080 x 810 mm
- The latest and most accurate digital hill and sea shading
- With European National Flags, Population information and useful web addresses
- Incorporating a separate language map and map containing European Union members, with currencies
British Isles Political
- Size : 810 x 970 mm
- Political colouring along with detailed distance chart
- Ireland in it's correct position and to scale
- No curling (Completely flat)
- No reflection under the light
- The beautiful coloration by digital printing
- Tear Free
- Fire retardant (Optional)
- Water resistant
Unit 30, Bookham Industrial Estate
KT23 3EU
United Kingdom
- Tel. +44 (0)1372 459 942
- Fax. +44(0)1372 750 843
- Email. sales@bogolimited.co.uk
Unit 30, Bookham Industrial Estate
KT23 3EU
United Kingdom
- Tel. +44 (0)1372 459 942
- Fax. +44(0)1372 750 843
- Email. sales@bogolimited.co.uk